About Us

MacKenzie Higgs Ltd was set up in 2012 by me, Lucy Higgs. I have over 13 years’ experience working in big 4 firms and have built up a breadth of experience advising high net worth individuals on a range of issues including business structuring, tax implications of investments, property ownership, estate planning, succession planning, non UK domicile or residency issues, use of trusts and self- assessment/compliance issues.

I left the city in order to find a way of working which fitted better with having a young family and found the best way to do this was to do it yourself! My main goal is to provide quality advice to all clients - tax advice isn’t and shouldn’t be the privilege of the extremely wealthy only.

I am keen to build up a strong relationship with my clients and therefore like to meet all my clients face to face to talk about their tax affairs in the round to ensure that no issue or opportunity is missed.

I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), which is the leading professional body in the UK for advisers dealing with all aspects of taxation. I am also supervised by the CIOT for the purposes of Anti-Money Laundering legislation.